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Awesome Tools tools I have come across. Installation procedures are for arch linux with yay as the Arch User Repository Manager. Users of other distributions should find equivalent commands for their systems.


Neofetch is a system information tool for many systems running the Bash shell. On the left side is always a logo of the distribution, rendered in ASCII art. There is no refresh like the ability of a system monitor because the intended purpose are screenshots.

To install run

sudo pacman -S neofetch


BpyTop is an open-source command-line application allowing linux users to monitor their system resources like memory, CPU, and network information. It displays all the required information right onto your terminal. It works similar to HTop and Top but has a more advanced interface than them.

yay -S bpytop


Command line client for tldr, a collection of simplified and community-driven man pages.

sudo pacman -S tldr