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Movie Phrases


Quotes I come across that go hard.


Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.

Tommy Shelby

Everyone’s a whore, Grace. We just sell different parts of ourselves

All religion is a foolish answer to a foolish question.

Grace Burgess

Men always tell their troubles to a barmaid.

Polly Grey

Men don’t have the strategic intelligence to conduct a war between families.
Men are less good at keeping secrets out of their lies.

Walter White

Right now, what I need, is for you to climb down out of my *ss.
Can you do that? Will you do that for me, honey?
Will you please, just once, get off my *ss?
You know? I’d appreciate it. I really would.
What I came to realize is that fear, that’s the worst of it.
That’s the real enemy. So, get up, get out in the real world and
you kick that bastard as hard you can right in the teeth.
There is gold in the streets just waiting for someone to come and scoop it up.